About Me

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Cedar Park, Texas, United States
I obtained my PhD in Mathematics from The Georgia Institute of Technology in December 2007. My main research area is Hamiltonian dynamical systems with an emphasis on KAM theory in finite and infinite dimensions and the use of analysis to study the dynamical properties of lattice systems. In the past I have also been interested in vortex dynamics, learning theory (machine learning) and frame theory (finite frames).

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thank you for stopping by

The construction of this web page started on January 31st, 2009, while being on a 1-year postdoc at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain (therefore the picture). At that time I was on a one-year leave of absence in my home university: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, México, which I joined in July 2008.

About the picture: I arrived in Madrid on the very cold snowy morning of January 8th, 2009; the picture was taken that weekend (10th or 11th). This is the back of Palacio Real; the door on the bottom left, next to the stairs, is the entrance to the kitchen.

I flew to Madrid from Austin, Texas, a place I will always consider my adoptive home.

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